Ho'oponopono (for forgiveness)
After a lapse or relapse, we may experience self-distrust, guilt, and shame. Practicing self-forgiveness can help to recommit to ourselves and our sobriety journey.
The Ho'oponopono prayer/mantra/meditation is an Hawaiian forgiveness practice that involves repeating the mantra "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you" while sitting with closed eyes. It’s POWERFUL. Ho’o means To Make It; Pono means Right. So this forgiveness mantra aims “to make it right.”
The meditative prayer guides us through the process of introspection and forgiveness, and can be used to release negative thoughts, actions, or emotions that may have caused conflict.
Try it for yourself. Set an intention for release, say the mantra out loud while focusing on compassion and understand, and discover the transformation.